General Sonography Mission & Goals


The mission of the Jackson College General Sonography Program is to educate students in the science of diagnostic medical sonography and to prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.

The program’s mission is in concert with the Jackson College mission to inspire and educate world-class healthcare providers for the people of Michigan and our global community.

Jackson College Mission/Vision

  • Mission: Together we inspire and transform lives
  • Vision: Jackson College is a world-class institution of higher education, where learners succeed, and community needs are met

Competency Standards and Indicators

Jackson College Competencies and Competency Indicators are defined by:

Program Goals

The philosophy of the Sonography Program is unified by common goals, which include thoughtful intentional course design, role modeling, and classroom and clinical experiences that provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of an entry-level sonographer. The educational process conveys caring for the whole person and promotes a balance of knowledge, technical skills, spiritual awareness, emotional intelligence, and physical health in performing professional services. The sonography overarching program goal is To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains for the following concentration(s) it offers:

  • Abdominal sonography – Extended
  • Obstetrics and gynecology sonography

Program Goal

The graduate will exhibit a professional attitude and behavior appropriate to the healthcare setting (affective).

Student Learning Outcome

  • Demonstrate behaviors, attitudes and respect that show sensitivity, and acceptance of individual differences.
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills with patients and all members of the healthcare team.
  • Demonstrate compassionate patient care and education during sonographic procedures to promote overall well-being.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning.

Program Goal

The graduate will exhibit critical thinking skills during the performance of sonographic procedures providing diagnostic quality (cognitive).

Student Learning Outcome

  • Collect and combine, assess, and analyze sonographic images for the purpose of physician diagnosis.
  • Evaluate normal and abnormal anatomy and recognize pathologic conditions.
  • Collect, review and integrate pertinent patient data to facilitate optimum diagnostic results.
  • Compose complete and accurate sonographic findings for the interpreting physician to facilitate patient diagnosis.

Program Goal

The graduate will have the ability to operate ultrasound equipment and determine proper techniques to produce quality sonographic images (psychomotor).

Student Learning Outcome

  • Application of ultrasound principles and instrumentation relative to imaging and image quality to produce diagnostic sonographic examinations.
  • Demonstrate sonographic procedures appropriately and accurately recording all anatomic and physiologic information for interpretation by a physician.
  • Demonstrate achievement of clinical competency through the performance of sonographic examinations by meeting or exceeding measurable clinical scanning competencies.