Corrections Officer Grant Program

Corrections officers needing college credits may be eligible for FREE tuition assistance at Jackson College!


  • Be employed by MDOC
  • Earned less than 15 college credits
  • Received approval from MDOC for the program
  • Enroll at a community college in Michigan

Suggested Courses

Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
CRJ 119 Client Growth & Development 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

A corrections-oriented course involving the study of normal versus criminal behavior, human development and criminal pattern. Also involves the study of specific problems including substance abuse, sexual and medical problems and disorders.

CRJ 120 Human Relations for Corrections 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*
CRJ 121 Introduction to Corrections 3 ENG 085*, ENG 090*, and MAT 020*

A survey of the American corrections system as a component of the criminal justice system.

CRJ 124 Institution Populations 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

The nature, composition and dynamics of the prison population as a separate society are central topics in this course.

CRJ 127 Corrections Law 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

Deals with the law as it applies to the correctional system. Applicable court cases and legislation will be considered. Topics will include sentencing, prisoners’ rights and responsibilities; loss of rights, prisoner remedies; community corrections and restoration of rights of offenders.


Students are responsible for the cost of books. 

Apply to the Program